Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The man

The man who never speaks is always listening.

The man who never moves is always still.

The man who knows not of sin cannot be a sinner.

The woman who knows not of fidelity cannot be a whore.

The man who never smokes will never become addicted to cigarettes.

The man who never does heroin will never overdose.

The man who never drinks will always be sober.

The woman who stinks will never smell good.

The man who acts will never be inactive.

The man who thinks will always be thinking.

The man who questions will always be questioning.

The woman who accepts what is given, will not seek anything else.

The man who gives will always be a giver.

The man who lies will always be a liar.

The man who stands true to his word will always be trustworthy.

The man who makes false claims will always be refutable.

The man who never moves can’t move.

The man who never responds is never addressed.

The man who thinks others are strange is always a stranger.

The man who thinks he is the best only thinks he is.

The man who is acting is only acting.

The man who is doing is only that.

The man who passes gas is passing it.

The man who never loves is never heartbroken.

The man who never desires is never letdown.

The man who doesn’t know is never false.

The man who never hopes has no hope.

The man who never cares doesn’t care.

The man who is smart is called smart.

The man who is, is not.

The two sides of the cycle.

Forever spinning.

The essence

Of everything



This premature


Symbol. It’s eternally applicable knowledge

Astounds me to this day.

The man who never asks will never know.

The man who fights will not befriend.

The man who runs won’t hold his ground.

The man who writes will record his thoughts.

The man who analyzes himself realizes that he has no idea.